TBX: The Bootstrapped Experience Podcast
During the Covid pandemic of 2020, Jack asked Bjorn if he'd like to start a podcast together, to share their experiences building bootstrapped SaaS apps. He said yes.
Jack Kowalsky of NeatShift
Helping Shopify store owners increase their sales with Neat A/B Testing. Currently working on a new project, TranslateCI. Also, talking about growing a bootstrapped business on Twitter @jackplaysabanjo
Neat A/B Testing | TranslateCIPs. Jack really does play a banjo, help convince him to do the intro for the show with it ;)
Bjorn Forsberg of FORSBERG+two
Bootstrapped founder, no longer a Company of One. Award-winning Shopify apps, helping 75,000+ stores since 2011 👋 Ask me anything on Twitter @FORSBERGtwo
Come say Hi, ask questions and suggest topics on Twitter at @TBXpodcast.
- Jack uses a Yeti Blue podcast mic, while Bjorn sports the Sennheiser HMD27 headset with Røde AI-1 pre-amp.
- Podcast hosting, website and distribution using transistor.fm
- Logo and branding created using Looka.com
- We're currently experimenting with podcast post-production, both human edited and automated using Descript.com